Not Such A Black Friday For May

WWF SPPO @ Canon
  Black Friday which fell on May 13 turned out to be a white one for a juvenile hawksbill turtle that was tagged and released back into the sea after being captured and kept as a pet by a teenager on Koro Island.

As luck would have it an officer at the Institute of Applied Science (IAS) based at the University of the South Pacific (USP) was visiting the island and came across the baby sea turtle in the young teenagers care.

“I advised the boy that it would be better for him and the turtle if it was released back into the sea. I emphasized to him the importance of tagging and releasing the turtle to its natural home as this is what the law requires,” said Alanieta Tokalauvere, who eventually brought the turtle to Suva for its tag and release.

Marine Species Officer at WWF South Pacific, Merewalesi Laveti added that “it was important for people to know that turtles cannot be kept as pets and need to be tagged and documented where possible and released back into their natural surroundings.”

Aptly named May for being found in the month of May, it was more than happy to be released back to its home as it ecstatically waded out as soon as its flippers touched the water.