
WWF South Pacific Programme through its policy team advocates the lessons learnt from the field to influence policy changes at the national, regional and international level.

In the Pacific, WWF SPPO has worked primarily on the regional level and supported country programmes on specific issues.

WWF SP has been engaged in supporting the implementation of regional and international environmental agreements through capacity building, information dissemination and the formulation of appropriate national plans, policies and programmes.

Activities include support for the development of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP) in several Pacific island countries, Climate Change, and the establishment of sanctuaries for endangered and threatened ecosystems such as whales, and marine ecosystems.

Fiji's tourism development plan

For conservation of biodiversity to be fully appreciated and actively pursued at national and regional level, WWF also supports efforts to mainstream conservation into national and sectoral plans, policies and programmes. The Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) of Fiji's Tourism Development Plan exemplifies this approach. » Read more

Access to genetic resources and benefit sharing

For many decades, the natural resources in the Pacific have been exploited for pharmaceutical, biotechnology and agricultural research. However, in many cases, the resources are taken without the knowledge of the resource owners, developed and sold for millions of dollars. With an ABS policy or legislation in place, national governments will have more authority and control over the accessing of genetic resources, legally. » Read more