Voice for the Planet

Together our actions add up.

At home 

  • Use lights, fans and air conditioning efficiently - always turn them off when you leave the room.
  • Switch from air-conditioning to open windows- this also reduces your chance of catching a cold.
  • Ensure fridge door and washing machine seals are clean and the door closes properly. Also, clean the coils on your fridge: they transfer heat from the inside to the outside of the fridge, keeping the inside cold. Clean coils can improve efficiency by 30%
  • Look for an energy efficiency rating label when buying new appliances
  • Turn TVs, laptops and chargers off at the power point as these appliances generate emissions in 'standby' mode. A television left in standby mode uses nearly a quarter of the electricity it uses when it is on.
  • Save gas by putting lids on pots, simmering gently instead of boiling vigorously. Match the size of the stove plate to the size of the pot to minimised lost heat.
  • Re-use plastic containers such as ice cream tubs; recycling a shopping bag full of such containers saves at least 5kg of greenhouse gas and reduces waste.
  • Switch frequently used lights to energy efficient fluorescent light bulbs, which last around 10x longer than old-fashioned bulbs and use around 25% less energy.
  • When planting gardens, do not just use exotic species, but plant more traditional plants - many of these are important for ceremonial or medicinal purposes.
  • The most efficient way to wash dishes is to fill two sinks; one with soapy water and one with warm water for rinsing. 

Save the turtles  

  • Switch to a re-usable bag for groceries or dispose of plastic ones wisely; turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and eat them, which blocks their gut.
  • Refrain from purchasing a serve of 'vonu kovu' or the animal itself- turtles are a protected species and this is illegal and punishable by imprisonment.
  • Discourage the need to supply turtle meat at festivities, and preserve our cultural icon for future generations.
  • Allow turtles to nest without being disturbed and refrain from taking turtle eggs, which is also illegal.

For farmers

  • Reduce the use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers as they run off into lagoons and harm the reef. Instead use more of the natural fertilizers like green mulch, and stop the spread of chemicals which pollute the surrounding environment.
  • Plant more coastal trees like coconut trees that protect the shore and prevent agricultural run-off entering the sea.
  • Don’t build too close to the coastline; leave a 'buffer' zone.
  • Protect mangroves and get involved in mangrove replanting projects.