Pacific Currents: May-June 2013

Posted on 27 August 2013
Pacific Currents
© WWF South Pacific
Once upon a time there was a singing forest, emitting the most melodious tunes that weaved the air with musical wonder. And then the forest disappeared as the farmer, with fire in his hand, wiped it all out. The big machines came and did the rest. Today the people of the hills, that had enjoyed the music of the forest work hard to recapture the wondrous music of the past.

The first recorded sighting of the Leatherback turtle in several decades, off remote Yadua Island in Bua province, Fiji has renewed passion for turtle conservation. Turtle monitors who observed the oceanic reptilian surface said it was a flag raising event for conservation.

In this issue, also read about the district that decided that nothing less than a mangrove harvesting ban will help secure their food security and coastal protection but also ensure their descendants enjoy the legacy of this magical plant.

Pacific Currents
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