Pacific Currents May June 2012

Posted on 08 July 2013
Pacific Currents May June 2012
© WWF South Pacifc
Josua Muakula is making waves in the conservation world for fighting for the protection of turtles. The remarkable thing about this teenager from Yadua Island in Bua is that he was raised on turtle meat and has practically devoured the reptile most of his young life but all that has changed. Read all about the remarkable transformation that hit this young man in this issue of Pacific Currents.

Also featured is the call made from the 2nd Coral Triangle Fishers Forum that was held in Fiji, challenging stakeholders of the industry especially Government to tackle the problem of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing.

And catch up on our sustainable seafood series. If you ever wondered or was left confused about what sustainable seafood is all about, the series takes apart the complexities behind sustainable seafood and turns it into bite, sized, palatable versions!
Pacific Currents May June 2012
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