Volunteers impressed with organic gardening awareness

Posted on 30 March 2017
Ms Tagicakibau presenting on the usefulness of a compositing system
© WWF-Pacific Volunteers
As part of its commitment to conservation education, the WWF-Pacific Volunteers Programme organised an organic gardening awareness session for its members.

The activity, which was held at the WWF-Pacific office in Suva was attended by more than thirty Volunteers  and was hailed as a success and a learning experience by those present.

During the event, WWF-Pacific Monitoring and Evaluations Coordinator, Ms  Unaisi Tagicakibau,  and Conservation Director, Mr Francis Areki,  presented on the different composting systems commonly used and the usefulness of aromatic plants as an insect deterrent in gardens.

Ms Tagicakibau explained that a large percentage of household waste is compostable and having a composting system will drastically reduce household waste. These waste when recycled can be turned into  free food for the soil.

"I would encourage these types of conservation activities as these are practical knowledge that is easy to learn and pass on", she added.

Mr Areki delivered a comprehensive presentation on the use of everyday plants, such as garlic and lemongrass, to deter insects around gardens.

He further added that by carefully planning crops and how and where they are planted, gardeners can grow organic products without the need for weedicides to fight insects and blights.

A grateful Avikesh Kumar said the presentations were timely and something he wishes to  implement on his own family backyard in the not-too-distant future.

"Most of the times, we cut down grasses, collect leaves but throw them away not realising the amount of nutrients present in them,” the 22 year old Veterinary   science student mentioned. "After today, we (volunteers) are able to know how to better utilise this waste".

Sharing similar sentiments, Joeli Fahai'ono described the event as something new, yet educational.
"Having been brought up in the outer islands, we (family) normally cultivate our farms with very limited composting knowledge", Mr Fahai'ono said.

"Hopefully when I get a chance to return to the islands, I'll be able to relay the usefulness of having a proper composting system to my relatives there".

Apart from the volunteers present, a representative of the Homes of Hope also joined in for the event where these skills will also be applied.

Meanwhile, the WWF Pacific Volunteers programme has overwhelmingly recorded an increase in its membership for the new year.
Ms Tagicakibau presenting on the usefulness of a compositing system
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Volunteers and WWF staff present at the awareness session
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