Get serious in Nairobi - set course for deeper emission cuts

Posted on 22 October 2006
October 22, 2006. Kenya will host the second Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (MOP2) in conjunction with the 12th session of the Conference of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention (COP12) in Nairobi from 6 to 17 November. WWF's South Pacific Programme Office (WWF SPPO) is confident that the participation of Pacific Island delegations will result in policies that contribute to deeper reductions of climate changing gases at the global level to prevent climate change reaching dangerous levels.

Over a decade ago, most countries joined the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to fight global warming and to adapt to inevitable temperature increases.

In February 2005, the implementing Treaty to the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol, came into force, setting legally binding targets for industrialised countries to reduce their CO2 emissions and other heat-trapping gases. Global average temperatures have already gone up by almost 1°C. Based on the best available science, governments such as the European Union have set the danger threshold at 2°C warming from pre-industrial times.

"Beyond 2°C climate change will spin out of control," says Hans Verolme, Director of WWF's Global Climate Change Programme. "The world can still prevent dangerous climate change but the window of opportunity is rapidly closing. With political leadership and joint action we can make global emissions peak within 10 to 15 years - it is not a lack of solutions that is holding us back."

Pacific Island countries, individually and through their membership of blocs, have the power to influence decisions at this meeting. Blocs refer to negotiating groups at the meeting like the Alliance of Small Islands States (AOSIS) and G77 & China - a grouping of more than 78 developing countries who function as a negotiation group at international negotiations.

Key Issues
  • Reducing emissions: Governments at the Nairobi conference must start the process for setting targets for deeper cuts in climate warming gas emissions - these must be in place by 2008. These targets will define the "Kyoto Plus" framework from post-2012 when the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol ends. "Ministers need to chart a course for deeper emission cuts," says Hans Verolme, Director of WWF’s Global Climate Change Programme. "We must work together to develop a safer, cleaner and more energy efficient world."
  • Money for climate change adaptation: The mechanism is in place but the money isn’t moving. Agreement needs to be finalised on the Adaptation Fund and its five-year work programme has to become operational in Nairobi. In addition, governments of rich countries must increase funding for adaptation in less developed countries.

    "Climate change is starting to hit home, and we can clearly see the first impacts here in the Pacific," says Jyotishma Rajan Naicker, Climate Change Campaigner for the WWF South Pacific Programme. "The Pacific region is amongst the most vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. Our small size, largely coastal based populations and limited resources make us especially vulnerable to climate-related impacts. Pacific Island countries are on the receiving end of the pollution of developed countries - it is only fair that the polluters support us when we build up our defences against climate change."
Media Events & Activities
  • Press Trip to Naivasha-Malewa basin to see impact of climate change on farming in the district - Saturday 11 November. Contact Brian Thomson or Kimunya Mugo (contact details below)
  • Opening Statement Monday 6 November
  • Closing Statement Friday 17 or Saturday 18 November
  • Daily Media Statement, planned for 09.30 every day from Monday 13 November
  • Other events/photo opps for the media, see invitations in the press area and CAN morning briefings
  • East African Climate Witnesses event Thu 16 November, 1315-1445, Room: African Blackwood Tree
  • Two or three short briefing documents will be released between Monday 13 and Thursday 16 November
  • Daily Climate Action Network (CAN) Press Briefing - AM see CCTV announcements for location
Materials for the Media:
  • Press Pack - All related backgrounders, press work, reports and other materials
  • TV Footage - Climate Change B-roll tapes and Climate Witness B-rolls are available from the media team in Nairobi. Otherwise please contact Tanya Peterson, t +41 22 364 9565, e
  • Simple Guide to the Climate Conference - Q&A to the Climate Conference - available from press team
  • Climate Change Impact 2 versus 3 °C - report comparing two warming scenarios - available from press team
  • Climate Blog: A daily weblog of what it’s like at COPMOP2
  • International: Hans Verolme, Director, WWF Global Climate Change Programme (English, Dutch), +1 (202) 492 7358,
  • Kenya/East Africa: Dr Taye Teferi, Conservation Programme Director, WWF Eastern Africa Regional Programme Office (English), +254 20 3877355,
  • South Pacific: Diane McFadzien, International Policy Coordinator (Asia Pacific), WWF South Pacific Programme (English), +679 331 5533,
  • South Pacific: Jyotishma Rajan Naicker, Climate Change Campaigner, WWF South Pacific Programme (English), +679 331 5533,
For further information please contact the media team:
  • Brian Thomson, Press Officer, WWF International, (English, French, Italian), +41 79 477 3559,
  • Kimunya Mugo, Communications Manager, WWF Eastern Africa Regional Programme Office, (English, French), +254 20 3877355,
  • Martin Hiller, Communications Manager, WWF Global Climate Change Programme, (English, French, German), +41 79 347 2256,
  • Masako Konishi, WWF-Japan, (English, Japanese), +81 33 769 1713,
  • Mariagrazia Midulla, Head of Campaigns, WWF Italy, (English, Italian), +39 329 831 6415,