Financial Inclusion Training Manual: A Guide to the WWF's Financial Inclusion Model with Communities in Western Province, Solomon Islands

Posted on 21 February 2019
Financial Inclusion Manual
© WWF-Pacific
This manual is designed to help trainers facilitate financial inclusion training workshops with interested members in their communities, and to help communities establish and operate their own savings clubs. It is designed as a guide for training sessions, to be used alongside other training materials. The manual can also be used by government agencies, Non-Government Organisations (NGOS), and Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) as a guide for how financial inclusion has worked in practice in remote island communities in Western Province. 

The WWF financial inclusion work is a component of the Sustainable and Resilient Island Communities  Programme. This programme supports island communities to manage their forests, reef and fish resources, and 
provides alternative livelihood opportunities, away from the reef or land, to women through financial inclusion 
training and savings clubs.